Who is Paulo Ramos

I am an expert in the development of innovative natively digital products and advanced AR/VR/MR projects for mobile gaming, education, virtual training and entertainment. With more than 7 years of experience developing Augmented Reality applications for many industrial sectors and more than 27 years of accumulated experience in 3D animation, video production, the internet and the digital industry as a whole.

The technology used in my day-to-day is a very strong point in my projects, always connected to understanding the latest technologies and techniques, always improving myself and seeking new challenges by employing more effective and cheaper technologies, according to each project’s needs and budgetary reality.

I’m also won several awards and was nominated in several events related to the universe of augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality.



In a highly competitive world where everyone is connected, I put my expertise to foster a sustainable reality with systematic application of sustainable and accessible innovative technologies, putting into practice our services designed to extract the most from any and all visualization technology, seeking the best operational results for our customers.

With experience developing projects for different cultures, I share a rare reading about the different cultures and applications that is much more accurate and at the same time comprehensive. Of course, in a globalized world, applications and experiences are created to reach a greater number of users and devices and therefore with our experience developing solutions for different worlds, I can guarantee the success and acceptance of the products I develop for all markets, satisfying the needs of 4 main pillars:

  1. Spaces
  2. Clients
  3. Users
  4. Devices

If you and your company want to enter this world where the real and the virtual are mixed together, I can find the best and most accessible options available. The success cases here shows it.



Physical Reality: Understanding the Current World
Digital Reality: Offering an Affordable Solution
Augmented Reality: Efficient Accessibility
Virtual Reality: Effective Immersion Experiences
Ephemeral Reality: Valuing Time
Mixed Reality: Interpreting the world around us
Extended Reality: Phygital Integration.